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Monday, December 28, 2009

I am a soldier still

Don't send me to the chilly border,
I don't want to fight this war,
Because I have been armed heavily,
Without knowing whom I'm fighting for.

I am no saint, I've been trained to kill,
Inches from death I test my skill,
As on my canvas the colors of gloom spill,
I hate the fact that I am a soldier still...

Abhijit Happy 24X7


  1. u sound like a whats the analogy here?

  2. OH... just marvelous thought...
    Well, truely speaking, we are all soldiers who have come into this world..

    We are all fighting a war of Life.... your poem has such a subtle meaning of Life in it.
    Fantastic man... Its a pleasant surprise to see a poet in this acoustic grunge !!!!!!

    Just Great kano... !

    Warm Regards,
    Umashankara Sharma.
